Maple – Dreams

Maple – Dreams

Genus: Acer – Family: Sapindaceae

Maple encourages us to tap into the hidden wisdom of our dreams and nightmares. Anxiety and fear may be causing sleepless nights that seem beyond our control. In reality, this is the time to take control of our thoughts and actions to make our dreams come true.

Sugar maple Acer saccharum, also known as hard or rock maple, is native to North America. Sugar maples display exceptionally colorful leaves in fall in celebration of the inner work ahead. During the dark and freezing months of winter, they draw sap up from the depths of their roots in order to survive and recharge. In early spring, this sap flows downward through the tree to replenish the roots. If tapped by humans, some of their sap is transformed into sweet maple syrup. Sugar maples are one of the few species in the Acer genus considered a “climax species”, which is a mature eco-system achieved over thousands of years. Sugar maples can reach heights of 150 ft. and live to be 400 years old.

The majority of maple trees are considered “pioneer species” meaning they are hardy enough to repopulate damaged and disrupted ecosystems. The appearance of maple reminds us that to shift our reality we must take whatever action is required to achieve our dreams. If our dreams are unclear now is the time to discern what is right for our soul.

The sycamore maple, Acer pseudoplatanus, is the “type species” in the maple genus, which is native throughout Europe. The genus name for maple is Acer, meaning “sharp” in Latin. This is based on the characteristic sharp points of its five-lobed leaves. The name “sycamore” is based on the ancient Egyptian sycomore fig, Ficus sycomorus identified in scripture as a large nurturing shade treePseudoplatanus or “false plane” is descriptive of its mottled bark, which is a hallmark of plane trees in the Platanus genus. In reality, the sycamore maple is neither a sycamore tree nor a plane tree!

When our reality becomes confused it can create anxiety and doubt. Our subconscious tries to sort this out during dreamtime, which can lead to bizarre images and thoughts. It is important to take stock of what we know to be true until we gain some clarity.

Message: Sugar maple reminds us to tap into our dreams by allowing our emotions to be acknowledged for what they are. If we are experiencing nightmares or waking up feeling lethargic, sad, fearful or tired – sugar maple encourages us to seek out the deeper meaning. Often our fears and insecurities are reflections of the expectations and perceptions we have placed on our self. By owning our dreams, we empower our subconscious to bring our thoughts to consciousness. By truly seeing how we perceive ourselves or our situation we can begin to see the areas we need to focus on and the changes we need to make in our lives. Fearless dreaming can shift our deepest fears into positive visions.

Challenge: Restless sleep, inability to dream or remember dreams. Being resistant to following your dreams or allowing dreams to guide you. Could also be excessive day dreaming.

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